Adult Bible Study


Join Pastor Claire for in-person Bible Study 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6pm, beginning on October 16 in the fellowship hall. The Bible Study group will be exploring the Ten Commandments. Everyone is welcome, bible studies are discussion based and a great introduction for those who have not attended bible studies in the past. 


Past Studies:

Advent 2021: We used Wrestling the Bible — a resource published by Living Lutheran — to explore several difficult stories from Genesis in order to better understand them.

Advent 2020: We studied several passages from Isaiah and how they were interpreted through three different historical contexts. We completed a concurrent art study about how images of Mary and baby Jesus changed through those historical contexts. 

Winter 2021: We studied the Ten Commandments using the Small Catechism, Woodcuts and resources from the ELCA.

Lent 2021: We studied the Lord’s Prayer and Apostles Creed using the Small Catechism, Woodcuts and resources from the ELCA.

Spring 2021: We read Barbara Brown Taylor’s, Holy Envy together and used it as a basis for discussing interfaith communication.

Spring 2022: We studied Hebrews with a focus on language and references to earlier scripture.

Summer 2021: We read the Johannine Epistles together and discussed the humanity and divinity of Christ.

Summer 2022: We studied Deborah, Ruth and Esther.

Fall 2021: We read through the Minor Prophets and did a study of each Prophet which included a deep study of the history of First and Second Temple Judaism. 

2022: We read through Genesis together, focusing on partnerships and relationships. This is an interdisciplinary study featuring artwork, music and poetry alongside scripture to inform our discussion.

2023: We read through Fire By Night: Finding God in the Pages of the Old Testament, by Melissa Florer-Bixler and discussed the nature of God in the Old Testament.

Summer 2023: We gathered together in-person for an Adult VBS, studying the Reformation in a study designed around “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.”

2024: We did a slow reading of John, delving into some of our favorite stories about Jesus.

Summer 2024: We gathered together in-person for an Adult VBS, studying water themed bible stories in Surf Shack. Our adults joined voices with our children on the Sunday following VBS to sing in church.