About Worship

On Sunday Mornings, we host one traditional worship service at 10:00 am that lasts for a little over an hour. During the service, we follow a traditional liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. We print weekly bulletins that contain the entire liturgy of the service for all to follow, and we refer to red hymnal books for congregational music.


Worshippers typically enter through the cheerful red doors to the sanctuary that face Jayne Avenue and are met by friendly greeters. We open with announcements about community events, to gather us in and keep us informed. The time of worship officially begins with a public confession spoken by all who are gathered that frees us to open our hearts to the work of the Spirit during the service. We always speak a prayer of the day to ground us in a new week, and sometimes we add special poems or readings to honor special occasions like Veteran’s Day or the Church Anniversary.


The liturgy always includes three readings from scripture that are proposed by the Revised Common Lectionary, which is a three year cycle of of readings shared in common by different Christian churches that takes worshippers through selections from the whole bible. Each week, we hear an Old Testament Reading, a Psalm, a New Testament Reading, and a reading from one of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Pastor preaches a sermon based on their study of the readings for the week and the occasion for the day. After listening to the sermon, we reflect on what we’ve heard by singing and praying as a community. We pass signs of peace joyfully to one another and take time to participate in an offering. Those who are moved to make an offering to the church do so during this time of reflection, to give thanks for what they have to share.


After we have gathered in song and prayer, and after we have let the Spirit speak through scripture and preaching, we share in Holy Communion. A Lay Assistant prepares the communion elements, and the Pastor presides over the Communion table and blesses the Sacrament so that all may receive. At LCOS, we believe that the Lord’s Table is open to all wherever you are on your journey of faith.

Ushers guide congregants pew by pew up the center aisle. The entire organ side of the congregation will be served before the pulpit side. We ask that all worshippers fill out a communion card from the pew rack and give it to one of the ushers to help us keep track of attendance. There is white grape juice already poured into the cups before the altar; otherwise, please pick up an empty cup for wine. There are also gluten-free and regular wafers, which the pastor can offer any who ask. If you are not ready to receive the Lord’s Supper, you are welcome to come forward and receive God’s blessing. If you are unable to come forward, please let one of the ushers know so that communion can be brought to you. After receiving the bread and wine or blessing, it is customary to say “Amen.”


Once all who are hungry have been fed in Holy Communion, we conclude the service with prayers and blessings to send us off on our week to love serve others. We sing a triumphant sending song together and prepare to greet each other in Fellowship Hour, where we may catch up and bless one another with conversation.