WELCA Outreach Projects

With the support of each other and our congregation we are enabled to carry the Lord’s work beyond our church doors.

We consider ourselves
Blessed to Be a Blessing.

Love Offering Sundaylove_offering

Each February, near Valentine’s Day, we have an ingathering of money gifts which express our LOVE for those with special needs.

During this special Sunday morning service we bring our offerings to the altar where we pray and ask God to bless these gifts that they may be used according to his will for the needs of people everywhere. Monies received are divided between Lutheran World Relief and Our Savior’s Social Concerns.

Rachel’s Day

On this particular Sunday in May, the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America remember in prayer all children in crisis in our world.

We take a special offering to purchase items needed for baby layettes that are forwarded to Lutheran World Relief. These layettes are sent out into the world to babies in need.

welca_logo2Women are the church’s strong rock. As they were the last at the foot of the cross, so they have become the first at the altar.

School Supply Project

In July we begin collecting school supplies. The items collected are donated to The Lighthouse Mission in Patchogue for distribution at the start of the school year to children in the area who are in need.
Angel Tree

Angel Tree Projectangeltree

In November some of our members visit a local health care facility and compile a wish list of gifts for the patients. “Angels” are hung on a tree with the names of the patients and their wish.

Members of the congregation are invited to select an angel from the tree and purchase the requested item. The gifts are collected through December and delivered to the health care facility in time for Christmas.

Thankoffering Sundaythankoff

Our Thankofferings show our gratitude for God’s blessings and they support our partnership with him so that the entire world may know Christ.

We are called to offer with joy and thanksgiving what God has first given us. Special envelopes are distributed in November and offering gifts received are forwarded to the Church-wide WELCA for world-wide ministries.